How Does it Work?
Spinal Flow deals directly with the 'root' cause of all pain, illness & disease.
There are three types of stressors:
Chemical, emotional & physical, that if the body cannot process, it will store as a blockage in the spine.
Blockages stored in the spine are actually a protective mechanism created by your body to help you survive by looking after your nervous system. So it creates a hard like shell over the spine. With this being said, when there is a blockage, the brain can't send vital information to the rest of the body, as the pathway is quite literally 'blocked.' Therefore it results in the body working in seperate parts.
By working with access points, the places and areas, that have no blockages, on the Cranium and the saccrum/ coccyx area, it releases stress from the nervous system, removing the emotional, chemical, and physical layers that have accumulated over the years through micro &/or macro traumas.
When working with access points, it sends messages directly to the brain and it starts to find, release and eliminate blockages in your body. The aim is to have a free flowing energy pathway without blockages!
Meet Yelena Sulenta, our Spinal Flow Practitioner here at MOONBOXNZ.
With her professional and gentle approach she provides a safe zone for facilitating healing to occur.